Monday, July 25, 2011

gump·tion   /ˈgʌmpʃən/ [guhmp-shuhn]

–noun Informal .
1. initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness: With her gumption she will make at least two blog posts.
2. courage; spunk; guts: It takes gumption to avoid productivity by doing a blog.

I'll Trade Ya a Jellybean for Some Gumption

First, I'm no longer a girl, according to the birthdate on my drivers license (shakes my fist at the sky or at this guy - the guy who decreed birthdates on drivers licenses), but I do still get the occasional postcard from my inner girl.

Second (or secondly, depending on last time you got a postcard from your inner English teacher), I'm starting this blog just because I'd like to. I want to locate my gumption. It has meandered off without its GPS, so I'm instigating a search. I don't promise this will be fascinating to anyone but myself.... in fact, don't promise it'll be fascinating to myself. Just thought I'd do it while I have some gumption I borrowed from a neighbor, before she asks for it back.

If you're still here, thanks for the company on my quest... if you could bring a dessert, that would be lovely.