Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Teensy Picture

I'm big on the big picture, too big, and the picture is too, easily overwhelming me. It's time to focus on the teensy picture. So, today my goal is to declutter my desktop (actual, not computorial). Wish me luck! If you could provide a dessert, that would be a great help.


Monday, July 25, 2011

gump·tion   /ˈgʌmpʃən/ [guhmp-shuhn]

–noun Informal .
1. initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness: With her gumption she will make at least two blog posts.
2. courage; spunk; guts: It takes gumption to avoid productivity by doing a blog.

I'll Trade Ya a Jellybean for Some Gumption

First, I'm no longer a girl, according to the birthdate on my drivers license (shakes my fist at the sky or at this guy - the guy who decreed birthdates on drivers licenses), but I do still get the occasional postcard from my inner girl.

Second (or secondly, depending on last time you got a postcard from your inner English teacher), I'm starting this blog just because I'd like to. I want to locate my gumption. It has meandered off without its GPS, so I'm instigating a search. I don't promise this will be fascinating to anyone but myself.... in fact, don't promise it'll be fascinating to myself. Just thought I'd do it while I have some gumption I borrowed from a neighbor, before she asks for it back.

If you're still here, thanks for the company on my quest... if you could bring a dessert, that would be lovely.